Thursday, July 31, 2014

A Roof Top Garden in Denver

A friend was visiting his friend and sent photos of that friend friend's garden.  This is on a roof in downtown Denver and is pretty darn amazing!  

Here is a view of lovely flowers with  a bit of cityscape:

Followed by a closeup of tomatoes with what appears to be a parking garage int he background .


Check out those wee yellow tomatoes!

 The gardener hard at work and dwarfed by a humungous pot that looks to have dill, tomatoes and what might be squash btu I'm not at all sure

And a stunning pepper

And finally a still life I call "gardener and HVAC"

Pretty astounding what sort of productivity she's getting here.  I would think all that black roof space would cook the plants right on the vine!  (Note to self:  Send a solar cooker.)

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