Friday, October 22, 2021

Slow Fashion October Outfit of the Day


Boots bought on deep sale (35$ usually 135$) and worn...80-100 times so far. 

Sox: none.  You don't need any with these boots unless it is cold out.  They are lined with cotton flannel

Jeans:  Thrift, worn 5 times so far this week.  Purchased many years ago.

Belt (I forgot this last time!):  Thrift, 3$ and I resented the cost, real leather sturdy belt with a brass buckle.  Worn almost everyday. Bought years ago.  could be 1000 wearings so far.  I reverse the direction it goes in the pants each time so it doesn't get that permanent dip in the back from always being worn the same direction.

Undies:  NEW!  but from thrift.  First wearing.  They are from that pack that was still sealed and the undies still taped to the cardboard insert that I found at thrift.  The pair I changed out of were in tatters. Clearly over 7 wearings.

T-shirt: Gift (thanks Chris) several years ago.  The collar is starting to get a bit wonky, but no holes yet.  Worn about once every 2 weeks for 2 years.  100ish wearings.

Foundation garment: It is on day 5 like the jeans.  I haven't sweat much this week and no one is going to be around me at work today (it's a holiday but I'm going in to make up some time rather than use vacation time for a day last week).  Bought new at deep discount at Ross Dress for Less. Probably 5-8$.  That's the price range I wait for for the high end foundation garments.  

Coat: Thrift, years ago.  

Hairties: dollar store.  Not sure how many times one hairtie gets worn.  Until it breaks.


Anonymous said...

This is fun, let's see, I'm taking a vacation day today and I'm still in jammies. Won't do estimates of # of wearings except that it's a long sleeve t-shirt and a pair of cotton knit elastic/drawstring pants. Top was a freebie gjveaway at the vendor exhibit hall of an industry conference attended probably at least 10 years ago. The bottoms were brand new or nearly that, men's casual hangout pants purchased a thrift shop, at least 5 years ago. Both worn in cooler weather wear, but many wearing for sure - i mean they're pj's right? - no appearance concerns for me. Sleep socks are the old school fuzzy acrylic, so cozy. Well over 5 years old, all pilled now and not quite as cozy, but still better than gym socks and other synthetic ones. Originally purchased at Kohl's men's department (dress socks), but haven't found any like it and that's why I'm still wearing them. I'll have look harder for replacements. Or change to really thick wool socks that don't have tight elastic at the ankles.


Jill said...

My jammies were a tshirt, gift MANY years ago, and thrifted knit leggings/long johns (ancient) and accidentally felted alpaca wool mens socks (gift). I did NOT felt them but man they make nice slippers/sleep sox. Bit tough to get on the first wearing after a wash but peachy after that/