Tuesday, January 11, 2022

Random Aside Blog Entry: Your Answer Can't Be Books

This is actually a youtube tag but I don't roll that way.

I heard about it from "Thor Wants Another Letter" who is a hoot and talks about books on the youtube.

It is a questionnaire for book people, but answers to the questions can't be books.

Here goes.  There are 6 questions.

1. What is something that you own way too many of, other than books?

Uh...like everything!  OK, coffee gadgets. This is JUST IN THE WEE SHED not in storage.  Or the office  2 manual grinders.  1 antique/vintage coffee scoop. A couple of vintage coffee storage things (a jar and a tin).  17.5 brewing methods in the wee shed alone, over a dozen in active use, mostly Planetary Design french press dealies.  The .5 is half a copper coffee brewer I got at thrift but the pot part had been separated and I hold out hope it will get donated back by whomever bought it (who may be waiting for the half I got to be donated back...it is basically a chronological range war) and I can buy it to complete the set.

2. What is something that you do for fun that’s not reading a book?

Snowshoeing and staring at chickens. Not generally at the same time.

3. What is something special or important on your nightstand, that’s not a book?

My night stand is the important thing.  It is a hand made wooden tray done by a cool cousin-in-law.

4. What’s something that you buy at a bookstore other than books?

Pencils. I love pencils.  And handmade paper.

5. What’s a fun gift that you’ve received that wasn’t a book or a gift card for books?

I suppose the book light isn't fair here.  So many...snowshoes come to mind.  And the tibetan singing bowl.  

6. What’s a YouTube channel that you watch, that’s not related to books?

Tasting History with Max Miller!


Anonymous said...

Ha, obviously directed at people who are all about books! I read all the time, but that's not me.

Even though I use the library nearly 100% for my reading needs right now, I still have a lot of books around the house. I used to buy them used from the thrift shop and the library book sale and way back when, from garage sales. I now try to resist that urge because I mostly read fiction and it's all available from the library or interlibrary in paper or electronic format. A couple times I've purged the book shelves, but I still have too many. The non-fiction are about sewing, gardening, home improvement and cooking. Some are from high school. Some are of sentimental value. Probably need to purge out the books I thought I "should" read - classics and "literature" - there's a reason they sit there and never get read. At this point, they just induce guilt. (Why am I reading that pop fiction drivel instead of Moby Dick, lol) Best to just donate them & let someone else enjoy them. Goal is to fit them all in one spot (in the home office built-in bookshelves).

Jill said...

I struggle with the book purges too! I acquire through free sources like tiny free libraries, the free-book-bin at the recycling center and the free book shelf at the libraries. And I use libraries. Still need to purge now and then. I get books as gifts and need to remember to pass on those I don't plan to read again soon.