I couldn't come up with a clever name for the pantry challenge so I tried to punch it up with an exclamation point. My writing is not good today.
Anywho...I have a butt ton of food. Lots of protein and carbs, some veg and fruit (especially dried fruit), a giant dark chocolate bar that I can dress up by melting in some nuts and maybe even coffee beans. Enough coffee and tea to get me through the next apocalypse.
Hence...a pantry challenge.
I do need to take one person out for a holiday meal because that is what works for us. Aside from that and when people randomly hand me stuff, like the lovely neighbor who dropped off turkey, potatoes and gravy Sunday afternoon, I shall eat from the pantry and the eggs the hens may or may not produce.
A few of my go-to recipes, like banana eggs for breakfast, will run out, which will make me come up with some other options. Always good.
I think making the coffee last will also motivate me to get back to tea rather than a 2nd cup of coffee. (...ok, 3rd and 4th cups of coffee) (don't judge me).
Pantry challenges always improve my meals, cooking and health (like limiting sodium). The only thing I might not have plenty of is peppercorns. How incredibly bougie is that??
I never did a total pantry inventory so maybe this will motivate me to do that. Or not.
I may well have enough TP to get through January if I am clean but judicious with the use.
We'll see how it goes! At least I should waste less food! I'm already thinking of how to ration the squash and onions and carrots (the "Fresh") and when to start sprouting seeds for greens.