OK, you get real humble real fast with a back issue.
I haven't been able to lift or workout much/at-all which annoys me (I am a late bloomer as far as gym rats but I hate losing strength it took me a decade to build up). but I have been doing really light no-impact hiit workouts for the elderly and yoga daily. And taking some aspirin.
The aspirin works since I rarely take ANYTHING for pain. It's not eliminating the pain, which would probably result in me overdoing things and re-injuring my back. Aspirin takes the edge off so I can get around without cussing every time I move.
Yesterday I put my pants on without strategizing first! And got out of the car without pushing the seat all the way back and pivoting on my butt as a solid unit. Just stuck my leg out of the door and got up! A MIRACLE! Or, patience and letting things heal.
I am planning on hitting the gym for a very short, light session today mid-day. I usually like to be there in the wee hours of the morning when no one can see me, but for the moment, it's too cold out to drive that early...correction, too cold out to get stuck behind a wreck that early....and I want to be able to flag down a passerby or call the gym manager if I re-hurt myself and end up stuck on the floor. It's a gym where one is usually ALONE (awesome!)
I think the back is ready for some controlled lifting of very very light weights. I could do a back bend this morning during my yoga session and that was impossible for the first week.
things that went well during the injury:
having the 8lb NIEL logs to burn rather than having to split wood or pick up wood chunks of unknown weight.
having enough water on hand (have to haul it up hill during the winter for drinking purposes as the well water gets stale and gross. And I'd have to lift the handle on the outdoor spigot which was not going to happen) to get through the first few days without hauling.
having multiple boot/show options as not all were possible to to put on.
having enough clean clothes to make it though just one more week before hitting the laundry (more hauling and toting. I COULD have made it work with multiple trips up and down the hill but ugh. Those extra sox and undies meant I did not have to worry about it
having a floor-sleeping option. Getting in and out of the loft when I had to be on hands and knees to get out of bed...there is only 6" of space beyond the camping mattress in the loft to work with. That's FINE when I'm FINE, but not if I needed a level hard surface big enough to let me maneuver through various contortions to get on hands and knees to get out of bed. So, camping mattress to the floor, chair blocking the door (not ideal but it's not like I could get up and run out if the place burst into flames anyway).
having completely indoor toileting options. People kept telling me "just pee outside!" uh...right.... 1+ times in the middle of the night every night you want me to come down from the loft, put something on my feet, find the headlamp, mosey OUTSIDE (down the stoop), find somewhere not visible on a moonlit night (and all day every day I'm home) from the highway, squat down, not pee on my ankles and then reverse those steps back into bed? NO. Also staying ahead of the toilet situation so i had a day or two to sort my back out before hauling the compost (which one hauls before it gets too heavy) bucket to the processing location OUTSIDE far from the homesite.
having enough food on hand. Duh.
having first aid supplies on hand including aspirin and pain rub (arnica hippy dippy stuff)
Things that were not crashing successes...
losing my stability poles (ski poles from thrift) so I stopped at a thrift store ASAP and got another pair.
having a leaky hot water bottle and no instant handwarmers! so I didn't have an easy option to put heat on my back. Still working on fixing this one.
falling down in the first place but...I fall often so this probably isn't going to change.
I'm glad your back is healing and you're able to exercise! It could have been so much worse. That's what I'm telling myself. I'm dealing with a hamstring injury (up where it connects to the pelvis) and it's been going for a while. Sitting for long periods on the sit bones is uncomfortable - have to use the standing desk. I finally stopped almost all lower body exercise - including stretching - except for slow treadmill walks with no incline. I think this has helped - there's still some discomfort but it's different/less. Either I'm healing or it's just wishful thinking.
Keep up the good work!
Sorry about your back as well!
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