The only "new" bits are the screws and they will get reused on the next project. I had run out of decent used screws with normal head (too many hex heads, square heads, various sizes...couldn't keep up with bits). So, I bought a cheapo box of philips head wood screws about 1 1/2 inches long. Made the door with them.
I had been storing my eggs in an old egg carton or two. Red rubber band on the one that is "ready to go" and a blue rubber band on the carton that is "building up". It didn't work well because I don't have anywhere to set egg cartons. So they were in a grocery basket hanging off my loft ladder. But that basket ALSO had to hold groceries like fruit and veg, often heavy. Annoying. And the cartons wear out.
I saw one of these on a youtube and wanted to make it:
But, that was hard and I can't be bothered. So, I thought about what I had on hand that I could use.
When I found a batch of eggs while doing another project with friends, I had an old mini muffin tin sitting around outside. It had been part of a bee feeder I'd cobbled up, and was then part of the apparatus keeping chickens out from under the shed. I turned it up and put the eggs in it for temporary worked great and looked cute.
So, I took the muffin tin in (tested the eggs...all were plenty fresh enough to eat so I boiled them up and brought them to work for lunches that week) and sure enough, it fit pretty well between 2 studs in the shed (heh heh...studs). I found an old plant stake, a 1x2, and cut it to length. While doing all this, I found another mini muffin tin, same width.
In total I have 21 muffin-egg holder holes. One tin is 9 muffins and one is 12. They are old and I got them at thrift at least 4 years ago. I usually won't spend over a dollar for a baking item so that is probably the original price to me.
The plant stake, I have no idea. I got a big bundle years ago and use and reuse them until they get too weak to pound in the ground, then they are scrap lumber for propping things closed or propping up chicken wire fencing that is starting to bulge. Maybe it cost a dollar originally.
Box of 250 screws was about 8$. I used 8. You can do that math if you want.
The impact driver was free from Fred's stash of tools.
The bits...I got a box of 10 for 12$ (nice magnetic ones) or so and have been using this one for about a month! Must be better metal than the ones I used to buy because I'd strip those out quite a bit faster.
I guess it is a 3$ egg holder but I think we need to amortize that over the previous lives of the items involved and the future lives of some of them like the screws and the bit which will no doubt be reused.
It is pretty cute though. Here's the big reveal.
Sher said I should get out more...she is mean to me.
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