Wednesday, September 4, 2019

40 Days and 40 Nights...CRIPES

So, the builderman and crew did not show up onsite for 40 days (and actually 41 nights but that doesn't fit the biblical reference).  Fortunately, it wasn't raining during that time.  I had more of a dry sea sort of thing than an ark sort of thing at my place.  Big empty ass hole.

At last they DID show back up.  I wasn't just waiting around, I was visiting, calling, texting and driving by the other job sites to ask when they would be back.  We'll leave it there.

The past few days there has been progress.   This is where we are at now:

The white things sticking out of the ground are forms for porch piers.  There will be a few more over on the side toward the road.  The trench is for the drain rock for the "rubble trench foundation".  It will hold up the super heavy wall.  The white rock behind the tiny excavator (the builderman is quite large so the excavator looks even tinier than it is...his crew today was little guys who are closer than they appear....also the dumptruck just beyond the excavator is actually a little bitty thing like a largish golf cart on tracks rather than's like a construction zone in the hobbit movies...perspective is all over the map).  ANYWAY...the white rock is part of a rock wall to the north of the future house holding up what used to be a chunk of hill and is now a steep cut.

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