I like tiny things. Tiny games stuck to the ends of writing implements. Tiny versions of watches, dice, office supplies, notebooks, appliances...living arrangements...
Imagine my delight when I found ALL of this at the week Plummer, Idaho Farmers Market:
Bantam chicken eggs! I had a 4 egg omelette this morning with baby beet greens. I didn't think to take a picture of the baby beet greens, but trust me...tiny and hilarious.
I may have to boil a few of them just so I can make tiny deviled eggs. AND I wish wish wish I had some rye bread to make tiny toad in a hole....I may look for a rye roll or any small roll at the Moscow farmers market just so I can do that. I need MORE TINY EGGS. The week before the same vendor sold me some of her regular chicken eggs and those are so huge I thought every one of them must have a double yolk. For the record, none of them did.
TINY PLUMS!!!! I have been just sucking these down like candy. They are the size of tart cherries. About half the size of Rainier cherries. And super sweet. Every pit is sacred. They are in a jar, open jar, by my desk drying out. Cut AND delicious. What more is there in life?
Those are PEARS! Super sweet candy-like pears. I think they might be Sekel pears. I'm not sure. I will take either a pear or a picture of the pear to the local tree nursery and say "I MUST HAVE THIS IN TREE FORM". A few years ago I made pears, giant ones, dipped in dark chocolate. Just take a whole fresh pear. Wash it and maker sure it is totally dry. Melt some dark chocolate. Dip the butt end of the pear in said chocolate and set on wax paper (I had the wax paper over a muffin tin so the pears could sit in the muffin divots) to cool and harden. You can also set them on some crushed nuts for extra flavor. Anyway, for some reason it is the perfect food. I'm thinking if I don't eat all of these first, I will dip them in chocolate and have tiny chocolate pears. I could transport them in an egg carton.
Of course I'm saving the seeds, though I doubt they will come true. Worth a shot though just to see if the tiny-feature comes through in the next generation.
Right now I'm mooching a shower and couch space from friends (THANK YOU) and stealing their wifi while they are gone. As much as I love my wee cabin (imagine my delight at eating tiny food in my tiny shed), I needed a SHOWER. The gym where I usually shower is closed for a week and it's been chilly and cloudy so the solar shower is on the fritz.