OK, actually there is no "pie" but I needed a "p" word for alliterative purposes.
Here is an EXCELLENT photo sent to my by my cousin (either a second cousin by modern reckoning or a first cousin once removed by previous terminological standards).
A port-a-potty graveyard in St. Louis, MO. Not unlike its elephant counterparts, apparently the residents migrate here just before they die. Their bones dry in the sun and are revered as aphrodesiacs by the regions natives.
Actually, I'm just really glad this is not a scratch-n-sniff picture.
And as an extra treat, here is a video of old people singing inappropriate songs from my current favorite documentary, Young@Heart.
(the cheap bastards won't allow me to embed the good stuff so please click the link)
Here's a not as good video embedded (BUT for Unka Pat...it is their version of one of the Boss' tunes). Skip ahead to about the 40sec mark for best results. Yes, old people singing Bruce Springsteen to prisoners.
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