(little trouble with the metre there).
Here are some photos of the cabin on the west fork of Rock Creek in Montana.
The entrance and "riff-raff gate" right off highway 38, also known as Skalkaho Highway.
The gate meant that we had about 20acres or so fenced in all to ourselves.
Here is a photo from the hill across the highway. It shows that there are several buildings. Only one cabin is rentable. The others are the remains of an old youth camp. They aren't in bad shape. Just not up for rent right now. There is a drinking water pump and his-n-hers pit toilets.
You can see several buildings in the photo and see that we had no neighbors.
Here's the west fork of Rock Creek.
I'm informed by a co-worker that this a world famous flyfishing creek. He told me I was being sacrilegious for fishing in this creek with a worm. I told him he wasted too much money on fancy poles and flies. Fish don't give a sh*t about your fancy pole and your fancy fly. (boy, that sounded naughtier than I meant it to)
Here is my non-fancy pole and my pedicure while I fish/nap/read.
Anyway, it is GORGEOUS and a great place to drown worms and drool on the book you thought you'd read.
Here's a quick shot of the cabin. It's quite large. Jeanne (who went camping with me) took most of the cabin photos and I await their transfer to me.
The blue thing in the window on the right is the hamster cage. Hammy is in a bigger cage now and doing fine. He seems to be growing and is quite amusing. We'll have an episode on Hammy another day.
OH! They provide you with cut wood for the stove! It wasn't split and their "axe" was crap, but nice have the wood available. Jeanne brought homemade fire starters and we gathered a bit of duff and bark for kindling and had no problem.
So, if you want to rent this cabin CLICK HERE.
We're thinking about going there and trying to get the kids to go, for Thanksgiving.
Jeanne and I and two of her girls (and a small menagerie of their pets...) spent last Thanksgiving in THIS CABIN.
The cabins are only 20$ per night (frugal!) but you need to go soon as the US Forest Service is looking to privatize these and make them more profitable to cover the deficit from the constant budget cuts by those b@$t@7d$ in Washington.
We like to play "Little House on the Prairie". We are sad middle aged women and we DON'T CARE.
Hi Jill,
The cryptic characters above are what occured when my cat jumped on the keyboard. I thought maybe she was trying to send a secret message to Hammy. I'm so glad you had a relaxing camping trip with friends and good books and beautiful scenery and your hamster too. You deserved it! Maybe you can send us a close-up picture of Hammy when you get the chance. Angela
Oh, Half Pint! It looks like paradise!
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