Just another clean up photo from the park. I like how they are burying the tree in sand.
Now for the race bit. Fred's friend Kenny (yes, a grown man named "Kenny" and yes, he will remind you of the character on SouthPark. Decided to mow the lawn for Sher and Fred. Kenny did not want to use Fred's mower. He went home and brought his own mower back on a trailer. When Fred noticed Kenny mowing, Fred got his mower out.
It was like some sort of dueling-curmudgeons. Fred lapped Kenny a few times because Kenny wanted to do a really good job. Fred like to go fast.
Meanwhile back at the ranch...Sher and I were calling contractors (like you can even get one!), talking to the ductwork cleaner (who told us that cleaning those ducts would take more than a steam and a suck...they need to be removed, powerwashed inside and put back), floor people, cabinet people, and on and on. We also set up a little kitchenette on the dining room mantle.
And brought in a folding table and chairs. This weekend we hope to clean off their lovely 3 season porch and set up a dining table and some sit-able chairs. While they may be able to sleep in the camper, that room will be more comfortable. It's quite nice in the evening.
We ended up working through supper time which has not been the habit. But, Dave Weston, a friend of Sher and Fred's, came buy and when he heard the duct work needed to come out, he just started doing it. It's laying on the floor now in the same pattern as when it was on the ceiling. Pam and I took boxes to Pam's boss' house for long term storage (delicate things that need not be in construction zones).
And for those who have been following the food log:
We had left over venison stew over baked potatoes made in the new kitchenette (microwave works), with salad, strawberry dessert, 2 kinds of cake, strawberries, and whatever bev erage you want. Lunch was roast beef sandwiches, scalloped potatoes and ham, fruit, and beverages.
They still have several more days of food before anyone needs to cook. And there are fresh fish in the fridge. I was hoping that by cooking too many potatoes, we'd get fried potatoes with our fish.
Just before I left it rained and a rainbow came out. A bit cheesy to put here after a flood (tad on the "Noah" side), but here's a photo:
As a final note...if any of the relatives in the area have, but ARE NOT USING, a window airconditioner that would fit a 22inch window...the 'rents could use it. They need to control the temperature on the second floor of the house where much furniture and many pictures are stored. It's getting hot and muggy up there. It's not an enormous space and probably one airconditioner and a dehumidifier (which they will have available as soon as the basement is dry) will do it. If no one has one lying about, Pam and I will just go buy one and stick it in the window.
OK, I am missing the cocktail party in Pam's living room so you'll hear about the floor, the new HOT WATER!!! (now with extra bleach) and other improvements later...or not at all (here's the short version: there is hotwater now, but it's full of bleach. The bedroom floors look pretty good and the dining and living room are getting better. If they can get the commercial size dehumidifier rented for a few days they can get the subfloor and walls dried out and know where they stand. If Brian can call or come and advise them, that will help even more. Relatives rock).
Hi Jill,
You mentioned pictures and such being upstairs for safe keeping.
I triple-dog dare you to take pictures of those pictures and post them here!
Why do I get hungry every time I read your posts? Probably because you keep saying "cake." We have a new restaurant in Champaign that ONLY SERVES CUPCAKES. Cupcakes and coffee/dessert wines, I guess. Here's the thing: The cupcakes, from what I've heard, are really bland, like Duncan Hines bland. I mean, if you are going to fashion and ENTIRE restaurant around a single dessert item, should it be spectacular? Shouldn't it at least have jimmies on it (just learned tonight that that's what you call chocolate sprinkles)?
Have a good day tomorrow doing Lord only knows what for the house. Angela
OK, I counted at least 3 errors in my last message. It is 11:23 p.m. and I am just fatigued, not stupid. Angela
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