Tuesday, October 15, 2024


 It was super cool again.

Monday, October 14, 2024


 It was super cool.

I was out driving at dusk, which I hate because...deer.

But I'd been helping with a chicken butchering day at a friend's place and that was when we were done enough to leave  I had heard there would be a comet but since I didn't see the northern lights (living in a ravine with trees either side and falling asleep EARLY work against me).

SO I'm driving home and look west and THERE IT IS!!!!  It looks like a COMET in a cartoon about comets.  The big tail and everything.  There wasn't anywhere safe to pull over so instead I was unsafely staring at the sky instead of the dusky deer ridden dark road.

To celebrate, my car wouldn't start this morning.  I might have a battery drain issue, a super old battery, or both.  Or...stuff I can't even imagine because I have no idea how cars work.  I tried jumping it with the tiny jumpstart battery thing....nope.  That had worked before so I guess I will get a new battery and see if that works.  If not, I will jump it with the pickup...or use that AAA for a tow.

I drove the truck Friday, didn't drive Saturday, and drove the truck Sunday.   So the car had sat several days.   It did jump with the little jump starter thingy when I was parked at the airport 2 weeks so...probably battery???? (see above...I don't know how cars work).