Do you people NOT know how pastry works? The fat, starch and water have to stay in balance. Also the sugar. If you "heat it up" for me YOU RUIN IT!
Am I the only one who hates that? If I wanted a cardboard togo box full of grease dripping out the bottom of an overly frosted, now molten lava frosted, icky chewy ruined cinnamon roll I would have ordered that. Today it was a carrot cake muffin. Who the hell heats up a muffin? NO. LEAVE IT!
It still wasn't worth the price. Oh well. Some day I will learn my lesson.
As long as I'm ranting, also, stop putting spray foam on my goddamn pie. I ordered it COLD AND NAKED (like my men....heh heh). Just a slice of pie on a plate. Thanks for not adding that freezer burnt off brand icemilk you call "a la mode" style, but also can-o-spray-creme is unwelcome.